Honors 2020

Homelessness in Our Community

Mitch Riera and his group posted flyers with a survey link to find out what the LSU community knows about homelessness.

Students in Dr. Tobin’s HNRS 2020 course this spring turned their new knowledge into action. The class brainstormed ideas and then split into four groups to conduct different service projects related to homelessness. One group went off campus and served at a local soup kitchen; another group set up an information table in Free Speech Alley; the third created and publicized an information hub; and the final group created a survey and posted flyers around campus to collect information. Check back here soon for updates on our progress!

Click here to see the results of the survey!

Marandy Burrow, Veronica Nankervis-Werner, Brooks Prejean, James Wright, and Tamareon Lones educated the LSU community about homelessness and food insecurity in college, as well as resources available locally.

Darlina Tran and Chesleigh Hamilton volunteered at St. Vincent De Paul in downtown Baton Rouge

Lucy Hansen and Isa DeMaio served hot lunch at St. Vincent DePaul.

Katie O’Daniels hung flyers for her group’s survey.