
Learn, Help, Get Help


Overall prevalence

Homeless in Louisiana Statistics - United States Interagency Council on Homelessness

As of January 2020, Louisiana had an estimated 3173 experiencing homelessness on any given day, as reported by Continuums of Care to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Of that Total, 182 were family households, 378 were Veterans, 246 were unaccompanied young adults (aged 18-24), and 437 were individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.

Homeless youth

Alarming Challenges Faced by Homeless Children - Children's HealthWatch

The number of homeless children in the United States has grown in the last decade. More than 2.5 million children are homeless in the United States each year. That means one in every 30 children is homeless. This number has grown in the last decade as the number of families who are homeless has gone […]


Signs educators can watch for to identify homeless students, understand how homelessness impacts learning, review the current legislation, and discuss what educators can do to support students in these situations.

Best Practices
Evidence-based strategies for supporting students experiencing homelessness.

Homelessness in the Classroom
A resource for educators


Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless
The Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless works to advance the provision of quality services for homeless and at-risk persons, to improve data collection, to educate the public, and to develop and promote responsive policies to prevent and end homelessness in the areas we serve.

Louisiana BOSCOC
Resources for people experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

Louisiana Housing Corporation
This site offers rental housing and housing for sale across the state. Those searching for housing can find temporary housing available to those in need due to disaster recovery, rental housing that is income based or on a sliding scale rent, housing available to seniors and those with disabilities, and housing that does not require a criminal background check or credit check.

One-Stop Homeless Services Center
A welcoming and inclusive Services Center & Day Shelter for persons experiencing homelessness.


AARP  Deliver home cooked meals, volunteer virtually, and other opportunities

Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless  Donate money, items, or your experience and skills 

Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank  Sort food, clean and organize warehouse, various office duties, mailing envelopes, special events 

Habitat for Humanity  Construction and other volunteering opportunities 

Hope Ministries  Food drives, food pantry assistance 

Rebuilding Together Baton Rouge  Repair homes 

Street Outreach  Have you seen someone in Louisiana you know (or think) might be experiencing homelessness? Report an outreach need to this non-law-enforcement team.

St. Vincent de Paul  Donate masks; distribute meals and bags filled with supplies to people experiencing homeless; drop off meals at shelters 

Volunteers of America in Greater Baton Rouge  Fill ziplock bags with supplies to be handed out to street homeless encampments; donate items to be given to persons living in places not meant for human habitation; unpaid internships for graduate students completing courses in rehabilitation counseling, kinesiology, and related fields 

Youth Oasis  Fundraising for laundry, public transport, bedding, toiletries, groceries; share your special life skills such as yoga, financial management, or baking; be a social media brand ambassador; be a mentor for youth